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Chemical, Phytochemical and Functional Properties of Selected Seeds’ Flours

Received: 5 November 2014     Accepted: 19 November 2014     Published: 24 November 2014
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This study was conducted to investigate qualities of benoil (Moringa oleifera), melon, water melon (Citrullus lanatus L.), pear and pawpaw (Carica papaya) seeds’ flours with a view of harnessing them for consumption and possible industrial usage. All the seeds were manually separated from fruit pulps / pod, cleaned, washed with distilled water, air dried, shelled manually, sun dried and then grinded to flours. Chemical contents and functional properties of the resulting seed’s flours were determined using standard methods. The results of the proximate and mineral composition indicated that all the seeds’ flours contained considerable amounts of protein, fat, carbohydrate, ash, crude fibre, Ca, Na, Fe and P which made them potentials food supplements/food processing especially benoil (Moringa oleifera) and pawpaw seeds’ flours. The result shows that watermelon seed flour ranked the highest in terms of all the phytochemical contents determined except its saponin content which was low. Melon seed’s flour was low in saponin and tannin contents while its flavonoids and alkaloids contents were high. Saponin content of benoil seed’s flours was also high compare to other seeds’ flours tested. The tannin and flavonoid contents of benoil seed flour were low while the alkaloids content shows to be low in melon seed flour. However, the cyanide content of all the seeds’ flours examined were low generally which shows the seeds’ flours are expected to be save for consumption. There were significant (p > 0.05) differences between the samples for all the phytochemical content determined. The seeds’ containing all these phytochemicals show that they are highly medicinal and is good for human consumption especially watermelon and benoil (Moringa oleifera) seeds’ flours. Also, the investigation showed that all the flours are characterized with good functional properties which mean they could be incorporated into food or use for industrial purpose most especially in infant food formulation. These qualities are indications that great potential exist for these seeds instead of throwing them away as waste after consuming the fruit pulp.

Published in International Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences (Volume 3, Issue 6)
DOI 10.11648/j.ijnfs.20140306.23
Page(s) 572-578
Creative Commons

This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited.


Copyright © The Author(s), 2014. Published by Science Publishing Group


Benoil Seed, Saponin, Protein, Pawpaw Seed’s Flour, Calcium

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  • APA Style

    Olorode Omobolanle O., Idowu Michael A., Bamgbose Adefunke, Ayano Adeola E. (2014). Chemical, Phytochemical and Functional Properties of Selected Seeds’ Flours. International Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences, 3(6), 572-578. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ijnfs.20140306.23

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    ACS Style

    Olorode Omobolanle O.; Idowu Michael A.; Bamgbose Adefunke; Ayano Adeola E. Chemical, Phytochemical and Functional Properties of Selected Seeds’ Flours. Int. J. Nutr. Food Sci. 2014, 3(6), 572-578. doi: 10.11648/j.ijnfs.20140306.23

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    AMA Style

    Olorode Omobolanle O., Idowu Michael A., Bamgbose Adefunke, Ayano Adeola E. Chemical, Phytochemical and Functional Properties of Selected Seeds’ Flours. Int J Nutr Food Sci. 2014;3(6):572-578. doi: 10.11648/j.ijnfs.20140306.23

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  • TY  - JOUR
    T1  - Chemical, Phytochemical and Functional Properties of Selected Seeds’ Flours
    AU  - Olorode Omobolanle O.
    AU  - Idowu Michael A.
    AU  - Bamgbose Adefunke
    AU  - Ayano Adeola E.
    Y1  - 2014/11/24
    PY  - 2014
    N1  - https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ijnfs.20140306.23
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    JF  - International Journal of Nutrition and Food Sciences
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    UR  - https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ijnfs.20140306.23
    AB  - This study was conducted to investigate qualities of benoil (Moringa oleifera), melon, water melon (Citrullus lanatus L.), pear and pawpaw (Carica papaya) seeds’ flours with a view of harnessing them for consumption and possible industrial usage. All the seeds were manually separated from fruit pulps / pod, cleaned, washed with distilled water, air dried, shelled manually, sun dried and then grinded to flours. Chemical contents and functional properties of the resulting seed’s flours were determined using standard methods. The results of the proximate and mineral composition indicated that all the seeds’ flours contained considerable amounts of protein, fat, carbohydrate, ash, crude fibre, Ca, Na, Fe and P which made them potentials food supplements/food processing especially benoil (Moringa oleifera) and pawpaw seeds’ flours. The result shows that watermelon seed flour ranked the highest in terms of all the phytochemical contents determined except its saponin content which was low. Melon seed’s flour was low in saponin and tannin contents while its flavonoids and alkaloids contents were high. Saponin content of benoil seed’s flours was also high compare to other seeds’ flours tested. The tannin and flavonoid contents of benoil seed flour were low while the alkaloids content shows to be low in melon seed flour. However, the cyanide content of all the seeds’ flours examined were low generally which shows the seeds’ flours are expected to be save for consumption. There were significant (p > 0.05) differences between the samples for all the phytochemical content determined. The seeds’ containing all these phytochemicals show that they are highly medicinal and is good for human consumption especially watermelon and benoil (Moringa oleifera) seeds’ flours. Also, the investigation showed that all the flours are characterized with good functional properties which mean they could be incorporated into food or use for industrial purpose most especially in infant food formulation. These qualities are indications that great potential exist for these seeds instead of throwing them away as waste after consuming the fruit pulp.
    VL  - 3
    IS  - 6
    ER  - 

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Author Information
  • Department of Food Technology, Moshood Abiola Polytechnic, P.M.B. 2210, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria

  • Department of Food Science and Technology, Federal University of Agriculture, P.M.B. 2240, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria

  • Department of Food Technology, Moshood Abiola Polytechnic, P.M.B. 2210, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria

  • Central Teaching and Research Laboratory, Bells University of Technology, Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria

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