
About SciencePG

Science Publishing Group (SciencePG) is a publisher of scholarly open access journals, with a portfolio of over 300 high-quality, peer-reviewed journals spanning a multitude of disciplines (see our journal list for detailed information).

SciencePG provides comprehensive resources and guidance to facilitate a smooth and successful publication journey. From manuscript submission to publication, our dedicated team is here to guide you at every stage. By choosing SciencePG, your research gains broader visibility and impact, reaching a global audience of scholars and professionals.


Most of SciencePG journals have been included by the following abstracting and indexing databases:

Directory of Research Journals Indexing
Eurasian Scientific Journal Index
Universal Impact Factor
Polish Scholarly Bibliography
Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin
Open Access

SciencePG is dedicated to publishing all articles under a gold open access license. This implies:

  • Unlimited Access

    All articles published in SciencePG journals are accessible worldwide, providing unlimited access to the full text.

  • Free to Re-use

    All readers are free to re-use the published material provided the original publication is properly cited, respecting the authors' work and intellectual property.

  • Funding Support

    Open access publication is supported by the authors' affiliations or research funding organizations by paying the Article Processing Charge (APC) for accepted articles.

Peer Review

Peer review is a fundamental component of scholarly publishing and a process that ensures the validity and quality of scientific literature. It involves the evaluation of research work by experts (peers) in the relevant field, aiming to assess its rigor, coherence, and contribution to existing knowledge.

Key aspects of peer review:

  • Evaluation

    Peer review serves as an effective tool for assessing research, facilitating the selection of top-quality articles for publication.

  • Quality Assurance

    Through the process of review and suggested revisions, peer review enhances the overall quality of the published article, providing the author with valuable insights into their research.

  • Integrity

    Peer review supports integrity in research through the rigor of the process itself. If the article is being peer reviewed, it’s being scrutinized in detail, so that readers can trust in the validity and accuracy of the research they're reading.

  • Networking

    The peer review system also fosters a sense of community, enabling fruitful interactions and networking within the research community.

At SciencePG, we consider the peer review process crucial for maintaining the credibility and validity of the research we publish. Despite challenges, peer review remains the widely accepted method for validating research, and we are committed to upholding the highest standards of scholarship. By engaging expert reviewers, we ensure the rigor and trustworthiness of the published work, fostering confidence within the scientific community and beyond.

Manuscript Submission

Publishing your research with Science Publishing Group is a straightforward and efficient process.
Here are 3 methods for you to submit your manuscript:

Option 1: Quick Submission

Our Quick Submission tool provides a fast and simple way for you to submit your manuscript.

Selected Journal:*
You can select a journal based on the subject of your article. Click here >

Or click here to select another journal that is more appropriate for your manuscript.

Select a journal
Step 1-Please select a subject  *
  • Subject
Step 2-Please select a journal  *
Journal Title
Article Processing Charge

1. Please select your research subject in the left column first.
2. Then select a journal to submit your manuscript in the right column.

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Article Title: *
Upload Manuscript: *

Upload your manuscript (Max 20MB, .doc, .docx, .tex)

Article Type: *
First Name: *
Last Name: *
Email Address: *

We will respond within 3 working days.

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Download Template

We suggest using the Microsoft Word or LaTeX templates for preparing your manuscript to speed up the review process, though this is not obligatory. If not using a specific template, please ensure your heading levels are clear and the sections are distinctly defined.

Option 2: Online Submission

Submit your manuscript via our online submission system.

For unregistered users, please register at https://sso.sciencepg.com/register
For registered users, please log in at https://sso.sciencepg.com/login

Once logged in, click on "Submit to Journal" under the "Submission" section. Follow the system prompts to successfully complete the submission.

Option 3: Email Submission

You can submit your manuscript directly via email to submission@sciencepg.com

Our editors will help you find the most suitable journal for publishing your research.

Join as Editorial Board Members or Reviewers

At SciencePG, we always appreciate and welcome professionals who are interested in becoming part of our dedicated editorial board and reviewer team.

If you are interested, you could join by following the procedures outlined below.

Here are the procedures:

Step1: If you don't have an English CV, you can download the provided CV template for reference.

Step 2: If you haven't registered yet, please create an account by visiting: https://sso.sciencepg.com/register
Step 3: After registering, log in using your username and password: https://sso.sciencepg.com/login
Step 4: Click on "Join as Editorial Board Member” or "Become a Reviewer" under the "Join" section.
Propose a Special Issue

SciencePG sincerely invites all proposals that align with the aims and scopes of our journals. The objectives of the special issues are to bring together recent high-quality research, promote key advances in theory and applications, and provide overviews of emerging domains.

Note: You can serve as the lead guest editor only after your Proposal Form has been approved. All articles submitted to the special issue can enjoy a 20% discount upon acceptance.

If you are ready to propose a special issue, please download the special issue proposal form and complete the required information. Once the form is filled out, you can submit it using one of the following three ways:

Option 1: Online Submission

Selected Journal:*
Select a journal based on the subject of your proposed special issue. Click here >

Alternatively, you can click here to choose a different journal that is better suited for your Special Issue.

Select a journal
Step 1-Please select a subject  *
  • Subject
Step 2-Please select a journal  *
Journal Title

1. Please select your research subject in the left column first.
2. Then select a journal for which you would like to propose a Special Issue in the right column.

Cancel Confirm
Upload Proposal: *
Email Address:*

A follow-up email will be sent to the given email address within 3 working days.

Verification Code: *

Option 2: Online Submission

For unregistered users, please register at https://sso.sciencepg.com/register
For registered users, please log in at https://sso.sciencepg.com/login

Once you're logged in, click on "Propose a Special Issue" under the "Special Issue" section.

Option 3: Email Submission

The completed proposal form can also be submitted by email to specialissue@sciencepg.com

Please type "Journal Title Special Issue Proposal" as the subject of your email.

Article Processing Charges

Science Publishing Group (SciencePG) follows a fully open access publishing model under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. All articles published in our journals will be immediately and permanently free to access by everyone. This is made possible by an article processing charge (APC) collected from authors' institutes or research funding bodies to cover the costs associated with various publishing services.

Journal By Subject
  • Subject
Article Processing Charges (APCs)
Journal Title
Article Processing Charges

1. Please select your research subject in the left column first.
2. Then you can view the journal's Article Processing Charges.